Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Savoring from the past

You are probably familiar with the adage, “Don’t live in the past.” Where this may be sound advice in a general way, occasional savoring from the past can impact your feelings in the present. Here’s how: 
  • Select several favorite moments from some time in the past. These may include:

    • An experience you had when you were alone such as a meditation retreat, walking in the woods, or curled up with a good book and your cat.

    • An experience with family or friends such as a holiday, birthday, or vacation.

    • An important moment in time such as a celebration, wedding,  graduation, or birth of a child.
  • Write these moments down. Try something like, “The time when I…” Describe the memory in as much detail as you can.

  • When you have a few minutes, look over your written memories, close your eyes and re-run the memories in your imagination.
Share your experience below.

Take good care!

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Image Copyright: maridav / 123RF Stock Photo

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